As soon as we return from Christmas break, we will be starting the copy and restoration of old photos section of the class.
You will need to dig into your family archives and find some old black and white family photos or portraits. The older the better. Try to find photos that have been damaged over the years so you can restore them...
This will be your first digital assignment. You will not have to print anything. The way we will be handling the digital assignments this next semester. You will be saving your work on your Jump Drives* and turning them in on Fridays and we will be critiqing your work on the projector.
* If you havent already purchased your jump drive, make sure you get one prior to class starting after Christmas Break. You will need a minimum of 512mb, but the bigger the better. You can purchase these pretty much anywhere. At Christmas they are super cheap as stores sell them as stocking stuffers. A gig flash drive is much better than a 512, but a 512 will get you through the semester.
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