Sunday, February 24, 2008

Commercial Tabletop _ digital

Commercial Tabletop. You will need a product (must look new), props, background fabric.

Must be shot in class (yes, I can tell). No flash. Digital.

Night Streaks _film

Night Streaks...same as your night shots, only with action. Same formula (f8@bulb). You will need a tripod (or something to rest camera on).

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hours Make Up

You ALL owe the class some hours.
This is not an optional assignment. All of these need to be finished by 2-29-08. They must be completly edited, cropped and color corrected.
These are from 2 different sources. ROP is doing a publicity drive and needs photos of each ROP class in session. Showing students working on projects. Teachers are not needed in the photos.
Classes meet at all different locations around the county. You will absoultly NEED to call the instructor and make an appointment, as you want to make sure you are there when the students are (some are out on internships during class) and you want to make sure it is a day when everyone is working. You can also "set up the images". NO FLASH!!! All DIGITAL.

Second Assignment:

Ms. Sabol's class needs some students to photograph (digital) her childrens class here at PHS. They are bringing Bunnys to class and little children need there images taken with the bunnies.

These assignments are worth double hours and are not in lieu of your regular assignments.
Call the instructors now!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the list of assignments:

Burlson Animal Health PHS P-1 J. Gilroy 261
Boswell Auto Body PHS S-5 A. Taylor 248
Hessler Culinary Arts ED C-235 M. Inks 1235
Koster Marketing Skills OR P-20 Krocheski 3063
Parlin Med Assist. ED P-20 Lopez 1422
Sapio Cosmetology PHS ROP4 Turpin 677 5248
Anderson Law Enforcement PHS ROP3 Jacobs 357
Blackburn Electronics PHS S-6 D.Smith 361
Heckley Fire Control Pondorado Bowman 647 8896
Ingoglia Graphic Arts SHS ROP B Harris 622 5728
Jacobs Media Prod. ECOE Bld E Fowler 622 7130-494
Petroff Metal Fab/Weld ED 82 Pierce 622 3634-1182
Shepard Dental Asst. SHS ROP D Calanchini 621 3766
Chaisson Auto Engine ED V-92 Dinubilo 622 3634 1192
Webster Auto Engine OR F-1 Wilson 677 4402 2802
Luce Drafting UM D-1 List 621 4003 4401
Johnson CAD OR F-3 Angi 677 4402 2804
Burton Cabinet Making ED V193 Korsen 622 3634 1193
Reed Construction DO Shop Daugherty 621 0123

March 14th 2-3rd Periods:
PHS Bunnys
Digital Cameras needed

Friday, February 15, 2008

Special Effects: Digital

Take a new photo of something very creative and try different types of effects, brushes, filters on Photoshop. Get Creative.

Neon Signature: Film

This week your film assignment is a neon signature. You will need the following items.

A: Camera

B: Tripod or something to sit camera on.

C: Film

D: Camera set to Bulb (B) and set apriture to F8

E: Have another person hold shutter open until you are finished signing your name.

F: You will need a penlight of some sort (not a red pointer).

G: Sign your name (repeat on another frame several different times)

H: Practice, Practice, Practice.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

ABC's Digital Slide Show

This digital assignment you will need 35 images. Photographs of all the letters of the alphabet and numbers 1-9. You cannot photograph signs with letters, you cannot create letters by using a hose or piece of rope. You need to find all images in nature.

When you have completed photographing the images, you are required to create a slide show with music using Microsoft Photostory 3 (all computers in class have this program) . You cannot do this assignment at home or anywhere but here. Dont put it off as by the end of the week, the computers will be packed and this will require thought and planning.

All images need to be arranged in order starting with the alphabet, then on to the numbers.

A good place to photograph this is a junk yard, machine shop, hardware store, garage etc. Do not use any Flash. You will also be required to have music on the slide show. For this, you will need a song, usually about 3.5 mins. in MP3 format. Remember, if you downloaded the song from Itunes, it will not play on this show. If you have a CD of the song, you will need to convert it to MP3 format.

Old Barn Film Assignment

You first assignment this week will be to photograph old barns, old buildings, delapadated old sheds showing detail. You can even do rusted out old cars in an appropriate environment.