Gold Mining Angulo/Webster
The Fishing Blues Bacchi / Benton
Motor Madness Boswell/Chaisson
Night Life in EDH Couch
That Bugs Me Burlson
Old Structures in
Musical Nights Garza/Petroff
Gellato’s Hessler/McGee
Open Mike Snipes/Reed
Santa Heckley/Williams
Day In The Life of Frankie d’Narc LindseyShepard
Animal Shelter Blues Magdano/Pa
I Want New Car
A Dogs Life McDowell/Anderson
Folsom At Night Kruger /Johnson
Restaurant Life Waldren
Visa Card Blues Parcher
Christmas Tree Farm Sapio
Regional Transit Liggett/Silva
Winter Sports Chord /
Cosmic Café Kirk/Chambers
New Construction (EDC) McClung
Double Standard Waldren
EDH Mercedes Benz
Christmas Spirit Jacobs
Starbucks Dynasty Ingoglia
Final Criteria: Photo Journalism Assignment=500 pts.
A: 5 prints: One Theme, different subjects. Must tell story.
1 8x10
1 5x7
1 3.5x5
1 2.5 x 3.5
1 square print of any size
B: Mounted on 3 8x10 mount boards
C: All 3 boards must be attached to each other vertically.
D:The 8x10 must be on the fold.
E: Boards are bound with Black Duct Tape.
F: Contact sheet dry mounted to left, rear of board.
G: Negatives are mounted on left rear over contact sheet.
H: Approved storyboard mounted to right rear of board.
I: At least a paragraph story about the photos (documentary style)
Must be typed.
J: Must have a title graphic mounted to front with photos.
K: Edges of mountboard must be black with felt pen.
L: Must be presented to class on designated day. No exceptions