Well, school starts tomorrow and the classroom is just about finished. They came in this last summer and put new floors and cabinets in the classroom. Things have really changed.
Hello, I’m Bob Calkins. I am the instructor of Commercial Photography for the Central Sierra Regional Occupational Program. You have signed up for next our class for the 2008/2009 school year.
As you know, our class meets at Ponderosa High School in room ROP 2, which is located at the back of the school across from Cosmetology.
This is an intense class and being a ROP class, mandated and controlled by the State of California, so we have some different regulations than the High Schools have.
We have students from all the county High Schools, Ponderosa, El Dorado, Oakridge and , Union Mine, and Golden Sierra. ROP classes are open to all persons that are 16 or older, so we even have some adults too…
Since our class is a 2 hour class, students really become close and enjoy each others company. Our class has a relaxed atmosphere, but there is a lot of work to do.
It is a digital age... This year, for the first time, ROP Commercial Photography is a totally digital class.
This was a big decision, but, one that had to be addressed.
1: Industry mandates that we go totally digital
2: 90% of photography has gone digital.
3: Manufacturers of film and paper have cut production back on film and paper production.
4: Chemicals are harder to get and dispose of properly.
5: Cost of film and paper has skyrocketed due to supply and demand.
So, this year you will be entering a new era in photography.
What I will need for this class....This is one of the most common questions asked prior to class starting.
A: You will be required to have a digital camera of at least 4 megapixels. Point and Shoot, Pro and Prosumer models are all adequate.
B: Sturdy tripod
C: One USB Jump Drive (at least 2 gigs or larger). The price for these usually runs in the $20 range. You can get these at most stores that sell computers even Wal Mart has them. They are everywhere.
D: 2 inexpensive texts are required for this class. They are as follows:
E: Digital Photography made fun &
How To Take Great Photographs with Any Camera. These two books are available online at Amazon.com, or,
www.takegreatphotos.com The price for both books is $17.90 plus shipping.
F: At years end you will publish a book of your own work . These are available through:
These books will run about $15 and is really cool. Again, you wont need this till about mid April.
What will we be learning??????????Good question. We will be covering many different types of traditional photography and digital imaging using Adobe Photoshop.
We will show you how to do informal & formal, indoor and outdoor portraiture. Commercial indoor and out, large and small, photojournalism, CD covers, photo stories and many more.
You will have 1-2 assignment a week for first semester and 2-3 per week second semester.
Everyone will be expected to have a finished portfolio with all of their work for the school year.
You will also have a multi media slide show (digital) of all completed work at the end of the school year.
Everyone will be expected to fill an internship with a photographer during the school year. This is a 4 hour internship so you can get a better grasp of the photographic industry.
Field Trips: We will be having several field trips off of the school grounds throughout the school year. We will visit a portrait studio, commercial studio, color lab, digital darkroom, newspaper and several location shoots.
All Field trips will be within the county as the State of California regulates transportation to the ROP programs. All students must provide transportation to and from the field trip location, However, if any field trips are out of county, a school bus must be provided and no students can drive their own cars to location out of county.
This should get you started. We will be going over all of this and a lot more Monday morning.
Remember, if you are in 0-1 period, class starts at 6:30AM. Park in student parking lot.
Classroom is ROP2, it is in faculty parking lot at rear of school.
See ya Monday...Bob Calkins, Instructor