5 students were assigned to photograph Santa & the children in conduction with Kidelywinks Toy Store in Placerville, this last Sat.
Final Criteria: Photo Journalism Assignment=1000 pts.
A: 50+ images
B: Pro Show Gold software ONLY.
C: All images in show must be 5x7 @ 150 dpi
D: Meta Data must be on all images
E: Each Show must have an opening title page (no picture). The title page is as follows:
A: Large font=show Title (ie Main Street Christmas).
B: Under title must be your name and period
C. In lower right: Copyright Smith Productions 2008 (use your name).
F: All working PSD’s must be turned in separately. Must show layers.
G: Must have a ending page:
A: Middle= The End
B: Lower right= same as E-C above.
H: Approved storyboard.
I: Close ups, wide shots, normal shots. Shoot details and different camera angles.
L: Must be presented to class on designated day. No exceptions
M: Slide Show must have appropriate music for the subject matter. Avoid RAP, hip hop etc.
N: Go into depth of subject. Plan on spending 4-6 hours shooting this assignment.
O: After you have completed your retouching and work on your PSD’s, convert them to JPEGS for the slide show.
It is worth 1000 points.